
conservation stories from Western Amazonia

This book of 176 pages seeks to disseminate information on sustainable natural resource management practices developed by the Mamirauá Institute, a MCTIC research institution, and funded by the Amazon Fund. In the first chapter, the reader travels through the Amazon, learning about its primary social and environmental characteristics – about its ecosystems, forests, and landscapes. This chapter was written by the forest engineer Claudioney Guimarães, who is an environmental educator at the Mamirauá Institute.

The second chapter discusses how the project "Mamirauá: Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Conservation Areas", also called BioREC, was implemented. The BioRec project develops activities related to community forest management, agroecosystems management, environmental education, environmental protection and research on forest ecology and monitoring of non-timber forest resources. This chapter was written by Paulo Roberto e Souza, coordinator of the BioREC project.

The third chapter consists of portraits of local peoples who live in floodplain communities in the Middle Solimões region who benefit or execute part of the proposed project activities. Twelve people are presented, including reserve residents, researchers and technicians from the Mamirauá institute.  This chapter was written by the journalist Eunice Venturi, communication adviser of the Mamirauá Institute.

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